Key Actors and Concepts

Product Stock Providers (PSPs)

PSPs are the backbone of the Dropshee platform. They are responsible for supplying a diverse range of products, ensuring these products are well-described with accurate and up-to-date metadata.

PSPs handle the logistics of fulfilling orders. This includes packaging, shipping, and ensuring timely delivery of products directly to the end customers.

Digital Retail Agents (DRAs)

DRAs are the digital storefronts for the products supplied by PSPs. They are responsible for marketing, promoting, and ultimately selling these products to the end consumer.

DRAs manage their online stores, which involves curating product selections, managing customer relationships, and ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

As representatives of PSPs in the digital realm, DRAs play a crucial role in bridging the gap between the supply of products and the demands of the online consumer market.

Quality Assurance Custodians (QACs)

Quality Assurance Custodians (QACs) play a pivotal role in the Dropshee ecosystem, tasked with two critical responsibilities.

  1. Validate the product information supplied by Product Stock Providers (PSPs) by raising Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs), ensuring its accuracy, reliability, and integrity. This allows to build basic trust between Product Stock Providers (PSPs) and Digital Retail Agents (DRAs), which is essential for the ecosystem to run smoothly.

  2. Address and resolve Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs) raised by any ecosystem participant, be it DRAs or PSPs.

Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs)

Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs) are a vital mechanism within the Dropshee ecosystem, designed to uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity. These flags can be raised by any participant in the ecosystem, including Product Stock Providers (PSPs), Digital Retail Agents (DRAs), and Quality Assurance Custodians (QACs), to signal a variety of issues that may compromise the ecosystem's trustworthiness and operational efficiency.

Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs) serve as a crucial mechanism to resolve disputes, inaccuracies, delays, quality concerns, non-compliance issues, security risks, ethical violations, and any other challenges that may arise within the ecosystem

Quality Assurance Measures (QAMs)

Quality Assurance Measures (QAMs) are actions proposed by Quality Assurance Custodians (QACs) in response to identified issues within the ecosystem. These measures aim to rectify problems highlighted by Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs).

The implementation of QAMs is validated through a consensus-based mechanism by QACs, ensuring that corrective actions are agreed upon collectively and adhere to the ecosystem's standards for quality and integrity.

Last updated